Once the message has been sent, the sender can store a reference to the Future object and check periodically for completion, or it can block and wait if needed by calling the get() method. 消息被发送之后,发送者可以保存对Future对象的一个引用并定期检查是否完成,或者,它也可以通过调用get()方法来阻塞和等待。
The first floor of the Bic Camera electronics store, a mammoth eight-story building covering an entire block here, is ground zero for Japan's electronics industry. 日本家电连锁巨头BicCamera在东京的门店是一幢八层楼的建筑,占满整个街区,这里的一楼堪称日本整个电子产业的风向标。
There's a liquor store around the block where you could get some whisky. 你可在街区旁的烈性酒店里买到威士忌。
SSDS you can think of as a structured data store in the cloud ( building block service), which is accessed using Internet protocols using a basic data manipulation language. 你可以认为SSDS是一个可以存储结构化数据的云(用以构建大型应用),你可以使用基本的数据操作语言通过互联网协议对它进行访问。
He would have probably come across the American fast food outlets or the Italian designer clothing store just down the block. 沿着大街走,他可能会见到美式的快餐店或是意大利款式的服装店。
When a tailor locked up his store for the night, half a block from the Taj Hotel, a gunman spotted him and killed him instantly, said Rony Dass, a cable television installer. 一名有线电视安装工人RonyDass描述说,有一个裁缝夜里锁上他的店铺,在半个街区之外的泰姬酒店,一名枪手发现了他并立即把他打死了。
She showed me her wardrobe, which had mostly come from a designer clothing store down the block. 她让我看她的衣柜,那里面的衣服大都来自这个街区南边的那家时装设计店。
Our family owned a clothing store in the middle of the main business block downtown. 我们家在市区的主要商业街拥有一个服装店。
Anxious to build on that success, the company just opened a third store on34th Street, down the block from Macy's department store. 所以公司乘胜追击,在梅西百货公司附近的街区第34大街开设了第三家店。
In the existing NAND Flash file system ( such as the YAFFS), a block both store the file attribute information and file data, the system must be scanned all of the Flash block when startup. 在现有的NANDFlash文件系统YAFFS中,一个块中(block)同时存放文件属性信息和文件数据,启动时要扫描完整个Flash中的块。